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    Val & Dan :: I DO

    My poor blog has been so neglected...but hopefully I will make up for it with this monster post! I still had more images from Val & Dan's wedding in Grand Rapids that I wanted to include, but I had to draw the line somewhere :)

    As soon as I showed up to take pictures I knew I was in for a fabulous day...the weather was perfect and everyone was such a riot! Dan is from Australia and a bunch of his close family and friends flew halfway across the world to help celebrate with an Aussie flare (a.k.a. lots of fun and tons of great speeches) ....they even gave me my own Aussie name! I am convinced now that I really need to add Australia to the top of my list of places to visit VERY soon!

    It was such a pleasure capturing their day (and it totally rocked having my buddy Jonathan shoot with me too!) Enjoy!

    The Details
    Ceremony: Ada Congregational Church
    Reception & Catering: Kent Country Club
    Cake: Mirabella Confections (probably the best cake I have EVER had!!!)

    1 comment:

    1. I love these Kerri!! Beautiful shots of the 2 of them and what a fun day for you!! Val looks amazing and you did such a great job of capturing her beauty :)
